There are no absolute rules when composing a photograph, says Dr. Randall Alifano. Every one is as unique as a set of fingerprints and only the photographer can decide exactly how to capture the image. He says that photography is an art form that doesn’t require any formal training, just a steady hand and an eye for beauty. However, Randall Alifano points out that, for beginners, there are a few rules of thumb that can help them capture the images that they desire.
It’s important, says Randall Alifano, to remember that focusing on the subject is usually the main goal of the photograph. He suggests to budding photo enthusiasts that they keep in mind the relationship of materials and space around the subject. It’s important to look for depth and contrasting colors and textures. The photographer, like any artist, should be focused mainly on how pleased they are with the final outcome of the image, says Randall Alifano. He points out that as art is defined in so many different ways and beauty is, after all, in the eye of the beholder.