Mendel Mintz
Mendel Mintz is a rabbi and leader of the Chabad Jewish Community Center in Aspen, Colorado. As head of the community center, Rabbi Mintz leads services each week. Rabbi Mendel Mintz answers questions about Chabad Community Center’s Hebrew School below:
Q: Chabad Community Center offers several adult education classes. Could you tell us about those?
Mendel Mintz: In addition to Hebrew class, which I’ll discuss in more detail, we also offer classes on Jewish history, Kabbala, Mysticism, Talmud, JLI and more.
Q: Where are these classes offered?
Mendel Mintz: They’re available at our community center, 435 West Main Street, in Aspen.
Q: Does someone have to be a member of the Chabad Community Center to attend these classes?
Mendel Mintz: Our classes are open to the entire community.
Q: Why would someone want to learn to read Hebrew?
Mendel Mintz: In addition to being able to read the Torah, it can help with a visit to Israel. Mostly, though, it helps our members get more out of our services.
Q: How long will it take to learn Hebrew?
Mendel Mintz: Hebrew is fairly easy to learn. Our Hebrew adult classes are provided in six lessons. This is a crash course.
Q: Will I be proficient?
Mendel Mintz: You will be a proficient reader. Unlike many other languages, Hebrew is very easy to learn.
Q: Do you find many people interested in learning Hebrew?
Mendel Mintz: Yes, it seems in recent years, more people than ever are interested in learning their native language. These people represent a broad spectrum of Jews. Some are learning Hebrew for the first time and some are merely looking to brush up on their Hebrew school teachings.
Q: How much does it cost?
Mendel Mintz: Our crash course on Hebrew costs only $50.
Q: How do I register?
Mendel Mintz: You can drop by the Chabad Community Center or call (970) 544-3770. You can also send an email through the center’s website by going to www.jccaspen.com/tools/feedback.htm.
Rabbi Mendel Mintz is co-director of Chabad Community Center, an Aspen area facility that seeks to educate and inspire communication in the Jewish community. Rabbi Mintz lives in Aspen with his wife and five children.