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Interview with KSA: Kosher Certification and its Advantages

Interview with KSA: Kosher Certification and its Advantages

KSA KosherAccording to the team at Kosher Supervision of America (KSA Kosher), most people eat some kind of kosher food each day, even if they don’t know it. Down every aisle of the supermarket, shoppers can find a number of food products stamped with a KSA Kosher certification.

Information Nation: Why are kosher products in demand?

KSA Kosher: Kosher products are popular with shoppers because of the assured quality of their production. 

Information Nation: Do only Jewish people eat kosher?

KSA Kosher: Kosher food does not actually refer to Jewish cuisine; it is popular for many reasons including its quality.

Information Nation: What exactly is Kosher, then?

KSA Kosher: Kosher dietary practices are rooted in Jewish tradition. However, foods of all traditions and cultures can be certified kosher, including Thai and Chinese.

Information Nation: Does kosher certification improve the economy?

KSA Kosher: As a marketing device, the KSA kosher certified logo is attributed to additional revenues for supermarkets and food manufacturers.

Information Nation: Do supermarkets seek out kosher products?

KSA Kosher: Supermarkets prefer brands that have obtained certification.

Information Nation: Why?

KSA Kosher: Kosher offers the product a distinct edge that often leads it to sell quicker.

Information Nation: How does this occur?

KSA Kosher: Many consumers are seeking out special food labeling of their products.

Information Nation: How successful are kosher certified products?

KSA Kosher: Kosher certified products produce sales of more than $150 billion each year.

Information Nation: That’s a significant figure.

KSA Kosher: Yes – and sales are growing annually as more shoppers become aware of the benefits.

Information Nation: At what rate are kosher products more successful?

KSA Kosher: Studies have shown that a kosher product will best a non-kosher product nearly 20% of the time.

Information Nation: Why is kosher labeling so important?

KSA Kosher: Kosher labeling helps both consumers and producers to know exactly what foods fall into this category.

Information Nation: Is determining the difference between kosher and non-kosher difficult?

KSA Kosher: Yes, it can be complicated, but certification agencies are designed to correctly identify these foods for consumers.

Information Nation: What are a few examples of non-kosher items?

KSA Kosher: Non-kosher items include certain animals and seafood. Additionally, meat and dairy products are not allowed to be consumed or manufactured together.

Information Nation: What about more exotic foods?

KSA Kosher: Any shellfish, reptile or insect is also considered non-kosher.

Kosher Supervision of America (KSA Kosher) is a not-for-profit agency that organizes kosher certification for numerous entities in the United States. KSA Kosher is based in the American West. KSA Kosher works with supermarket chains, hotel chains and food manufacturers, among other distributors. For more information about KSA Kosher, go online to

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