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Dennis Dachtler Discusses Retirement Planning

Dennis Dachtler Discusses Retirement Planning

Dennis Dachtler

Dennis Dachtler

Dennis Dachtler and the team at Dachtler Wealth focus on helping people of all ages plan for retirement. Through Dachtler Wealth Management, Dennis Dachtler counsels clients on everything from investments to family money management. One of the most important facets of wealth planning is setting aside money for the later years, Dennis Dachtler says. Below, Dennis Dachtler answers a few of the common questions that clients often pose.

Q: Will Social Security cover all of my expenses once I’ve retired?

Dennis Dachtler: It’s important not to rely on Social Security as a sole source of retirement income. Chances are you’ll have to wait until age 70 to see real income from Social Security, and many people want to retire before that time.

Q: With today’s low interest rates, where’s the best place to put my money if I want to save for retirement?

Dennis Dachtler: Even in today’s economy, there are great options for those wanting to save for retirement. I recommend many of my clients invest in a Roth IRA, which allows people over the age of 50 to put in up to $6,000 per year into an account, but each individual case is different.  It is important to sit down with a financial planner in order to figure out exactly what retirement savings plan is right for you.

Q: What about 401(k)s?

Dennis Dachtler: 401(k) plans also allow those who are 50+ to put in an extra $5,000. Both 401(k) plans and Roth IRAs are tax deferred and Roth IRAs can possibly grow tax free.

Q: Should I take the earliest retirement option available or continue to work as long as I can?

Dennis Dachtler: Many people today are putting off retirement. This not only helps you earn additional income, but it puts off cutting into that nest egg. Since each individual case is different, it’s important to sit down with a financial planner to look at your particular set of circumstances.

Q: You talk about the four phases of retirement. Can you describe those for me?

Dennis Dachtler: For many people, retirement will come in these four phases: pre-retirement, early retirement, full retirement, and final retirement. In pre-retirement, the person is still working but preparing for retirement. Early retirement is that honeymoon phase where the new retiree may travel and do all the things he or she has worked for all these years. In full retirement, many retirees settle into a daily routine and final retirement can see more health problems and less activity. It’s important to know these phases in order to plan financially for them.

Q: What final things should I consider as I plan for retirement?

Dennis Dachtler: It’s important to remember that many people are living longer than ever. Your savings may need to stretch further than it ever has in the past.

Dennis Dachtler helps clients plan for retirement through Dachtler Wealth Management, a company he founded immediately after achieving his Bachelor of Science in marketing and communications. For more information on how Dachtler Wealth Management can help you, go online to www.dachtlerwealth.com.


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